HTML Course for Beginners is a crash course on HTML. This course will teach you all the basics of HTML and also give you some insights into CSS and JavaScript.
HTML was designed by Tim Berners-Lee, a physicist at the CERN research institute in Switzerland. He thought of the possibility of an Internet-based hypertext framework. He published the first version of HTML in the year 1991, comprising 18 HTML tags. From that point forward, each new version of the HTML language was accompanied by new tags and attributes (tag modifiers) to the markup.
According to Mozilla Developer Network’s HTML Element Reference, as of now, there are 140 HTML tags, albeit some of them are as of now old (not supported by modern browsers). This course will be focusing on the following sections:
- Introduction to HTML
- Uses of HTML
- Basic HTML Codes
- HTML’s Brother and Sister
- Sample HTML Elements in Action
- How to Create Tables, Lists, Forms, Links with HTML
- Lot more
- A good PC
- Any HTML Editing Software