App-ads.txt Without Website (Ads.txt File AdSense Blogger & More)

App-ads.txt Without Website

App-ads.txt: The Solution for App Developers Without a Website

As the app market continues to grow exponentially, app developers face the challenge of staying visible to advertisers. Until recently, websites employed ads.txt files to authenticate their inventory, ensuring advertisers that they were buying ad space from authorized publishers.

However, many app developers found themselves left out of this process due to the absence of a website. In response to this dilemma, the app industry has devised a solution: app-ads.txt.

This new innovation enables app developers to gain credibility, protect their inventory, and establish a more transparent advertising ecosystem, even without a website.

If you have an App without a website, this Video will show you how to host your Ads-app.txt file using different methods without having to spend money to have a website.

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App-ads.txt Without Website


App-ads.txt Without Website? websites employed ads.txt files to authenticate their inventory, ensuring advertisers that they were buying ad space from authorized publishers.
However, many app developers found themselves left out of this process due to the absence of a website. In response to this dilemma, the app industry has devised a solution: app-ads.txt.
This new innovation enables app developers to gain credibility, protect their inventory, and establish a more transparent advertising ecosystem, even without a website.


Does AdMob pay monthly?

If you’ve completed the Steps to getting paid, you will be paid the month after you cross $100 (or the equivalent) in Finalized earnings. Your earnings Finalize on to the Payments page in your account in the first few days of the month.

Can I earn from AdMob without uploading to playstore?

How do I set up app ads txt for my apps?


These are lists of Google Admob Courses you can find helpful online, some are free while others are Paid.

  • The Ultimate Google Shopping Course & Strategy – Google Ads- Learn
  • Google Ads Mastery course 2023- Learn
  • The Complete SEMRush Course 2023: Rank #1 on Google now!- Learn
  • The #1 Google Ads Course For 2023: Beginner To Expert- Learn



There are experts on the internet that offer Google Admob  related services.

  • I will integrate firebase,admob,google map,push notification in your react native app- Get service
  • I will integrate google admob and facebook ads in your react native app- Get service
  • l setup googles mobile ads admob in your Android app- Get service
  • I will add google admob support to your game maker studio 2 project- Get service


Google Admob Tools are useful tools for those using the Google Admob Ad unit ID to generate revenue.


  • Mobile App Monetization – Google AdMob- Learn more
  • How AdMob works- Learn more
  • Application Advertising: What is AdMob & How Does it Work?- Learn more
  • How to Make Money with Google Admob in Nigeria (2023)- Learn more




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