10 Top Best Distance Learning Universities in Belgium

In this article, You will discover Distance Learning Universities in Belgium

Distance Learning or online learning is a method of learning that allows students to study without any physical presence on campus. Online learning provides another means of learning when distance or time is a barrier.

This brings about a separation between the learner and the learner source (campus) as a result of time or distance. Distance learning provides solutions to working-class people and still want to further their education.

Using this means of learning involves communicating with the faculty and other students via chat rooms, messages, e-mails, video conferencing, electronic forums, and other forms of electronic interactions. This method of learning involves using an online system tool to offer virtual classrooms to learners.

See the list of the top distance learning universities in Belgium.

Top Distance Learning Universities in Belgium


Here is a list of top Distance Learning Universities in Belgium.

 Katholieka Universiteit Leuven (KU Leuven) 

Kindle, Ereader, Tablet, E-Reader, Ebook

The first on the list for Distance Learning Universities in Belgium is Katholieke Universiteit Leuven and it is one of the highest-ranked universities in the world.

The Belgian university is KU Leuven is ranked 70th across the world in the latest rankings. The University’s full name in English is the Catholic University of Leuven but it is often called by the Dutch name.

The KU Leuven university is the first Belgian University founded in 1425 (it was closed during the Napoleonic period and reopened in 1834). The University taught around 58,000 students in 2019 which makes it the largest in Belgium.

Address: Oude Markt 13, 3000 Leuven, Belgium

Phone: +32 16 32 40 10

University of Ghent

Online, Education, Tutorial

The University of Ghent ranked 141st in the world and is founded in 1817 as the first Dutch-speaking university in Belgium.

This institution is specialized in engineering and technology, Life science and is ranked 52nd, and 55th in the QS world ranking by subject 2021. The university has about 11 faculties and takes about 48,570 students.

Address: Ghent, Belgium

Phone: +32 9 331 01 01

Universite Catholique de Louvain (UCL)

Girl, Laptop, School Supplies, Student

This university is Belgium’s largest French-speaking university. It ranks 188th in the world and performs well in Theology, divinity & religious studies. It is recommended as one of the Best Colleges for distance learning.

Address: Pl. de l’Université 1, 1348 Ottignies-Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium

Phone: +32 10 47 21 11

Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB)

Child, Student, Video Conference

This College is ranked 221st in the world and was formed in 1970 when the Universite Libre de Bruxelles split.

The University name when translated to English is the University of Brussels.VUB is known for its disciplines in high research activity as well as fundamental and applied research.

Address: Bd de la Plaine 2, 1050 Ixelles, Belgium

Phone: +32 2 629 20 10

University of Antwerp

Virtual Learning, Online, Learn

The University of Antwerp is located in a city called Antwerp; the heart of Belgium.

Antwerp College is ranked 233rd in the world and was founded in 2003. The university specializes in Arts and Humanities and has about 20,800 students. It is one of the ideal Distance Learning Universities in Belgium.

Address: Prinsstraat 13, 2000 Antwerpen, Belgium

Phone: +32 3 265 41 11

Universite de Liege


Online, Class, Course, Teacher, Laptop

This university has 11 faculties and is ranked 480th in the world’s ranking.

Founded in 1817, The University of Liege has since then been a major in life sciences, medicine, agriculture and forestry, and many more.

Address: Place du 20 Août 7, 4000 Liège, Belgium

Phone: +32 4 366 21 11

University of Mons

Webinar, Video, Conference, Skype, Call

The university was established in 2009 after merging with the Faculty of engineering of mons. It is ranked between 651-700 globally.

The distance learning programs offered by these universities will provide you with a critical educational understanding of various aspects of the study.

After completing your course of study, you’ll be awarded a certificate which you can use to seek employment in any sector relating to your field.

Address: Bd Dolez 31, 7000 Mons, Belgium

Phone: : +32 (0)65 37 31 11

Why Study in Belgium


Online, Course, Training, Teacher

Though we are talking about top distance learning universities in Belgium it is also important to know a little about the environment of your college of study.

Belgium is one of the multicultural countries in Europe. The country consists of three corresponding regions which are the Dutch, French, and German). Belgium is known as the heart of Europe and is also known for its enriching educational experience.

As a matter of fact, around half of all students enrolled in Belgian universities and colleges are international this means you’ll benefit from a high standard of education with a great research focus.

What you need to know about Belgium Universities

  1. Belgium universities are one of the best across Europe

Based on international rankings, Belgian Universities often rank among top universities across the world. In terms of the popular study areas, such as Economics, Political science, International Relations, Medicine, and so on. Belgium universities also offer the best in this regard.

  1. Tuition fees are affordable

Though Tuition fees of Belgian Universities vary based on your nationality, the type of university, or the academic program.

One thing to have in mind is that the policy guiding tuition fees of Belgian Universities is fair and affordable. Scholarship programs are also available in Belgian Universities.

On average, you can expect to pay between 800 and 9,000 EUR per academic year.

Laptop, Ipad, Organic, Natural, Tablet

  1. Belgium is a globalized country

Belgium is one of the most globalized countries among other countries in the world.

Belgium is a country known by not few but many countries across the world either by their education system, economy, or politics. People from another country can easily feel at home and settle to enjoy life in Belgium.

Through globalization, there are various distance learning universities in Belgium. You should get started with one of them.

  1. It is a citadel for language learning

Adding to the three official languages in Belgium English Language is also spoken and used significantly by Belgians.

Studying a language-related course in Belgium is the best among the best as you’ll have access to understanding many languages. So if you have the dream of becoming a polyglot, or understand as many languages as possible, consider Belgium as a good option.

Polyglot simply means knowing how to use several languages

  1. Iconic buildings and historic places wait to be discovered

Though Distance learning doesn’t require a physical presence on campus it is also necessary to know what your citadel of learning environment has in and around it.

Various iconic and historic buildings wait to be discovered in Belgium. You never can tell you might be there one day.

Here are a few places you might want to see in Belgium: the Atomium, the Grand Palace, Ardennes, the Mini-Europe miniature park, the medieval tower Belfry of Bruges, Gravensteen, the 10th-century castle, the battlefields of Flanders, the Royal Palace of Brussels, etc.

Tuition fee for Distance Learning in Belgium

Tuition fees for distance learning in Belgium vary based on the type of program, the type of university, or nationality. Just have in mind that the Tuition fee for distance learning in Belgium is quite affordable.

You can check out the university website more about what tuition fees apply to you.

How to apply for Distance Learning Programme in Belgium

You can apply to one of the distance learning universities in Belgium online through the official websites of the universities. Fill up the form, supply all the requirements and submit.

You can as well contact your university first to be sure if the application can be done online or via their website.

Degrees Offered by Distance Learning Universities in Belgium

The Universities in Belgium offer various degrees. They have a good educational system with great standards. To think that they offer both online and on-campus education makes it all fantastic.

They offer varieties of degrees in different fields of study and they are:

BA: Bachelor of Arts

BS: Bachelor of Sciences

ABA: Applied behavior Analysis

BSBA: Bachelor of Science in Business Administration

MBA: Master of Business Administration

MS: Master of Science

Ph.D.: Doctor of Philosophy

BBA: Bachelor of Business Administration


 Courses offered by Belgium Universities

  • Sustainable Aquaculture
  • Protein for Future
  • Computer Science & IT
  • Engineering & Technology
  • Natural Sciences & Mathematics
  • Architecture
  • Law
  • Political Science and Criminology
  • Gembloux Agro-Bio Tech
  • HEC Liège School of Management
  • Psychology, Speech Therapy and Education Sciences
  • Sciences
  • Applied Sciences
  • Social Sciences



The above-listed Distance Learning Universities in Belgium are open to candidates across the world. This means anybody willing to apply for a distance learning program can apply to any of the above-listed universities.

We hope you can find any of the distance learning universities above suitable for you to apply to any dream program for any degree. There are 10 of them mentioned above which you can choose from.

Apart from Offering Online courses, They offer the standard education for any program you want to study on-campus ranging from Computer Science & IT, Engineering & Technology, Natural Sciences & Mathematics, Architecture, Law, and many others.

Visit any of the school’s websites to get further information and details as to how to apply.

We have also included the major field of the various universities as well as a few more details about them.

Read through and learn new things regarding various distance learning universities as well as how to apply for any distance learning program.

Do well to share your experience in the comment section, Thanks for reading.




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